Sunday, March 1, 2009

Powai Lake

"This is the video I took from IIT Bombay campus. The view is from the mid of lake a point where you can see a fantastic view of the lake. The reason I visited IIT Bombaywas they hosted and E-Summit. Here E stands for Entrepreneurship."

wiki :
Powai Lake (named after Framaji Kavasji Powai Estate) is an artificial lake, situated in the northern suburb of Mumbai, in the Powai valley, where a Powai village with cluster of huts existed. The city suburb called Powai, shares its name with the lake. Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay one of the premier institutions of science and technology in India is located to the east of the lake.Another famous institution, the National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE) is also located close to the lake. Housing complexes and slum colonies are developed all around the lake periphery. Population around the lake has thus substantially increased over the years.

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